Danika's Gift Read online

Page 2

  “What’s your name?” His voice was deep, husky and warm. I felt tingling in my stomach. I knew he had to hear Sam call me Dani. Logic was trying to diffuse my nerves. Maybe he wanted me to tell him instead. Talk to him.

  “Dani..er, Danika”

  “Very pretty.” His lips curved upwards. He held out his hand to shake mine. “I’m Derek. It is nice to meet you.”

  “You too.” There it was again, that electric shock. I pulled my hand away from his quickly. I felt my face flame. I didn’t know what else to say, my brain had jumped ship apparently, leaving me a brainless, weak-kneed, tingling mess.

  Derek’s cell phone chirped and his smile dropped. “Duty calls, more pizzas to deliver.” He flashed me a sexy grin. “See you in class tomorrow?”

  “Yeah.” I had forgotten I completely changed my schedule. Like I said, my brain was M.I.A.

  “Night, Danika. Enjoy.” He winked at me, again, then turned and walked away.

  I closed the door, leaned back against it and held back a scream. I was blushing, my knees were weak and crap, I had told him I’d see him tomorrow. But, wait, he wanted to see me. That was good, right? Then I lied. Damn.

  Laughing broke me out of the argument I had with myself. Sam was standing there, chowing down a piece of pizza and watching me. My stomach growled at her before I could say a word.

  “Breathe. Sit. Eat,” Sam said each word as a command.

  I took a few deep breaths as I sat down across from Sam and grabbed a piece of pizza out of the box. It was hot and smelled delicious. I took a big bite, hoping to avoid talking about Derek, but the cheese was too hot, burning the roof of my mouth. Sam chuckled. She knew what I was doing. I wasn’t fooling her one bit.

  “You eat. I’ll talk.” Sam grinned. “Derek is a sophomore. He is not very smart when it comes to math, but he is not a dumb jock either. I think he came to the university on an athletic scholarship, but if I remember correctly, he’s more interested in getting an education than going into pro sports. He plays baseball. I had a couple classes with him last year. He’s actually quite smart, other than the math issues he has. I am not sure why he was in your Algebra class though. Anyway, juicy stuff is lacking on him. He doesn’t have a girlfriend, but he doesn’t bat for the other team either. Only thing I can think of is that he maybe has someone back home? Or just wants to focus on school? Or maybe he’s got an older dish outside of school that I don’t know about.”

  I choked on my crust when she said the last part. An older dish? That wasn’t good. I was younger than him, in fact too young to date. I knew that I would be considered “off limits” to the guys at the school since I wasn’t eighteen yet. I didn’t really care, since I wasn’t interested in dating anyone. Well, until Derek walked into my life, that is.

  Sam changed the subject, talking about Professor Corbin and a few of the classes she had this year. I was grateful for the change in subject. I found it odd that Sam didn’t think she knew Derek, when I talked about him earlier, but then I rationalized that I made him sound plain and boring. He was definitely not either. My mind drifted as Sam chatted, and I recalled Derek’s handsome face, his beautiful lips as they slipped into a smile. The way his wavy brown hair curled at the edges behind his ears. I wondered if his hair was as soft as it looked, if his muscles were as hard as they appeared. What he would look like without his shirt on, or what he would look like in a baseball uniform, the pants hugging his sculpted legs. I was gone…lost in my own little fantasy world where Derek existed for my viewing pleasure.

  “Do you think?”

  “What?” I hadn’t realized Sam was still talking. Hell, I didn’t even realize she was still in the room.

  “I asked if you think Derek likes you?”

  “Oh. Sorry. I was, uh, thinking. Derek? I doubt it. I’m too young for him anyway.”

  Sam frowned, “Yes, you are young. I keep forgetting you’re only seventeen. Crap, that puts a kink in things.”

  “What things?”

  “Setting you up.”

  “Setting me up for what?” I really was confused.

  Sam let out an annoyed sigh. “Setting you up with one of the college guys, like Derek.”

  “You know I don’t want to date Sam. I wouldn’t know what to do. Or not do. Hell, I’ve never even been kissed.”

  “Well, at the very least, we should rectify that. I think Derek is interested, just by the way he was looking at you. Problem is how to get him to ask you out.” Sam was tapping her manicured nails on the table as I continued to stuff pizza in my mouth.

  I really didn’t think he was interested. Well, maybe, but once he knew I was too young, too screwed up or too nerdy, that would be the end of that.

  Chapter 2

  “Okay, try this.” Sam pushed a red v-neck shirt at me.

  “I can’t wear this Sam. My boobs will show.”

  “Duh. That’s the point.”

  “Oh.” I blushed. “I dunno. I mean if he is going to like me, it’s gotta be for who I am not how I look.”

  “Don’t be silly. This is just to draw his attention. Not too much revealed, just a hint.”

  “Sam…” I whined. Geez, I hated the sound of whining and here I was, doing it like a three year old.

  “Dani, I wouldn’t dress you like a slut. And, I don’t want you to get hurt. But there is nothing wrong with using your beauty to attract attention. You are growing into a beautiful woman and guys are going to take notice.”

  I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Sam was right. I was growing into my curves and my chest had blossomed over the past year. My arms and legs had slimmed down and my tummy was flat. I was too skinny when I was six and too chunky at fifteen, but somehow, in little over a year, my body had found its perfect balance. My auburn locks had grown long and my spiral curls loosened with the weight of my hair. My teeth finally straightened out thanks to those dreadful braces. My eyes were bright blue, although I still had the dark circles under my eyes.

  I was the poster girl of health. I ate well, usually. I exercised daily. I didn’t drink or do drugs, even though I knew kids my age did. I kept my life in control. If I lost control, my gift could get out of hand. If that happened, no doubt would there be a padded cell with my name on it, waiting for me.

  Sam took a few more minutes applying makeup to my face. My eyes were now smoky and sexy. A smidge of concealer hid the dark circles and the finishing touch was a soft pink gloss to my lips. I looked again in the mirror and my breath caught. I was actually pretty. Well, with Sam’s magic touch of course. Just enough to attract attention, but not so much that I would be a threat to the other girls on campus. I hoped. I didn’t know if Derek had a girl, but I was sure girls would pine after him. That could spell trouble for me.

  “Stop frowning”

  “This is silly. I won’t even see him. I’ve changed my classes, remember?”

  “Well, you don’t know that for sure. You may see him around campus.”

  “I suppose,” I was nervous. Scared out of my mind, actually. What if he did like me? What then? Sam wouldn’t be around to help and quite honestly having my cousin coach me through my first kiss was a mortifying thought.

  The day dragged. There was no sign of Derek anywhere. I didn’t see him in any of my classes nor anywhere on campus. I did notice, however, there were plenty of other hot guys around the university and quite a few noticed me too. Problem was, they just didn’t make my stomach flip-flop or my heart race. I got home earlier than Sam and decided to nap on the couch.

  “Dani.” Sam was shaking my shoulder.


  “Wake up, Dani. We have company.”

  “Wha…?” Company? I shot up on the couch, almost crashing my head into Sam’s jaw.

  “Damn girl.” Sam laughed. “Didn’t expect you to shoot up like that.”

  I looked around the living room, but saw no one.

  Sam leaned closer to me and whispered into my ear, “Derek is here. He’s in the kitc
hen. Slip into the bathroom and freshen up, ok?”

  Derek. Derek was here. Holy crap. I jumped off the couch, and almost fell back down. My head swirled. I got up too fast. There were stars lingering in front of my eyes. I looked at Sam and realized she was frowning.

  “..m ok...” I slurred.

  I went into the bathroom, straightened my hair, freshened up my make-up, rubbed furiously to get rid of the sleep lines the couch left on my cheek, then brushed my teeth.

  “Hey guys.” I calmly slinked into the kitchen.

  Derek turned and as his eyes met mine, that beautiful smile lit up his face again. And, my legs went weak.

  “Hey yourself. Long day?

  “Oh…the nap? Yeah. Sorry.”

  “It’s cool. I would’ve called before I came over. Um, but I never asked for your number and Sergio wouldn’t let me have it.”


  “My boss at the pizza place.”

  “Oh.” I blushed at the thought of Derek trying to find a way to get my number. Well, our number. Me and Sam’s. Or, was it just for me? I sighed, not knowing what else to think.

  Derek walked over to me. He was just an arm’s reach away.

  “Everything ok?”

  “Sure. Why?”

  “I don’t know. You just looked sad all of a sudden.”

  I did? He noticed? Wow. He was scoring major points with me at that moment. I couldn’t help but smile at that. He smiled too.

  “So, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?” I waved towards Sam, then noticed she had quietly slipped out of the kitchen.

  “Actually, I was hoping you’d like to grab a bite to eat with me. If you’re not busy. And, haven’t eaten. If you’d like to, that is.” He was stammering and his tanned cheeks turned pink.

  “Wow. Really?” I was back to acting like an idiot. I just couldn’t think straight. He was gorgeous and he smelled so good I just wanted to hold him close and breathe him in. I wanted to touch his skin and taste those lips. My mind was turning to mush and my body was betraying me as well. I was turning into a slut right in front of this guy. Well, not actually, but I probably would if he touched me. I was in deep shit here.

  “Unless, you have other plans?” His expression was hopeful.

  “Look, Derek. There’s something I need to say before, we go anywhere.”


  “I don’t know what your, um, intentions are…but it’s only fair to let you know I am only seventeen.” I held my breath and waited for the rejection.

  “Okay, and?”

  Did he really just say that? Did it not bother him how young I am? That if his intentions were to have sex with me, that would be statutory rape? That I am under eighteen and therefore can’t even vote yet?

  “Well, I just didn’t want to give off the impression I was…well, available.”

  “You’re not available?”

  I leaned against the kitchen counter and sighed. Damn I am making a mess of this. I just have to be blunt. Total truth…hard to handle, but easiest to dish and deal with.

  “Okay, don’t take this the wrong way, but I am not having sex with you or anyone until I am at least eighteen. I am a student at the college and therefore, I figured you assumed I was at least eighteen and therefore legal to be with. I am making an ass of myself, I know, but I don’t want to get hurt. I’d rather be upfront and honest about everything and deal with the consequences of that.”

  I looked at the ground, unable to look at his handsome face. Especially since I knew he was about to turn around and walk out of my life.

  Derek stepped closer to me. I watched as the tips of his shoes touched the tips of mine. He put a finger under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. There was that electric zing again. Damn. He was smiling softly, and his eyes twinkled.

  “I know you just asked me to grab a bite to eat but...” I never finished that sentence. Derek leaned over and brushed the lightest of kisses to my lips. It was so soft that I could have imagined it. My body acted of its own accord and betrayed me, yet again. My lips parted, my body edged towards him and my hands came up to his shoulders. I wanted more of him right then and there.

  Derek skimmed another light kiss to my lips, then to my cheek, to my neck then a final one to my forehead, before leaning his forehead against mine. His body pushed against mine and I could feel his heat burning through my clothes. I breathed in deeply and his scent drove my senses wild. I felt my panties dampen immediately and I knew something was happening here. Something I had never experienced before. I just didn’t know what to do next.

  “It’s okay, Danika,” Derek whispered. “I just want to get to know you. I want to spend time with you.” His breath was minty and warm and as it washed over my face I felt safe and peaceful. It was hard to explain. I hadn’t felt that safe in over a year.

  “Ok,” I murmured. I didn’t want to move from this spot, from his body, but I knew we couldn’t stay like that forever. Derek took a step back and I immediately missed the feel of his body, the warmth of his touch. As if reading my mind, he took my hand in his and brought it to his mouth, kissing my knuckles with his soft, warm lips.

  I pulled him behind me as I went into the living room and grabbed my keys, phone and bag. I called out a goodbye to Sam. She didn’t come out of her room, but just yelled out a goodbye to us both. I made a mental note to text her in a bit and let her know where I was and when I’d be home. I didn’t want her to worry about me. After all, neither of us really knew a lot about Derek.

  Derek was the perfect gentleman. He opened my door for me as I slid into his classic mustang. It was beautiful. When he got in the driver’s seat, he made sure I was buckled up and then did his seat belt.

  “Your car is beautiful.” I gushed.

  “Thanks. My dad and I restored it a few years back. It’s a ’67.”

  “Wow.” I ran my hands over the interior. It was perfect. Everything was perfectly restored, even the smallest details.

  “I know, right? I couldn’t believe he gave it to me when I left for college.”

  “That was nice of him.”

  “It was his dad’s. My grandpa bought it used and had it a few years before giving it to my dad. At that point, though, it really needed a lot of work. Dad just garaged it for a few years but when I turned fifteen, and he saw my interest in the car, he decided it would be a good project for us. It was a really cool thing and honestly, working on this car kept me out of trouble.” Derek winked at me as he said that last sentence. I blushed.

  “Wow. I’d be terrified to drive it around.”


  “Well, what if something happens to it?”

  “It’s only a car. It has sentimental value, definitely. But, it’s the memories we made together that mean the most to me.” Derek kept his eyes on the road but I could tell he was a little embarrassed at sharing something so private. “Plus, a car is meant for driving. Life is meant for living. What fun is any of it if you’re too afraid to experience it?” We were at a red light and Derek turned to look at me.

  I was speechless. A guy who didn’t think his car was a trophy or something. Impressive. Derek was smart, sensitive, sentimental, and perfect. He leaned over and placed a kiss on my cheek. Before I could react, the light turned green and he returned to driving. Barely a minute later, Derek pulled into a restaurant parking lot.

  “Wait there,” Derek said as he removed the keys from the ignition. He walked around the front of the car and to my side. I watched his movements and my heart fluttered. He was truly beautiful and I suddenly wondered why he would pick me?

  “Here we are,” Derek held his hand out to help me out of the car. Keeping my hand in his, we walked into the restaurant.

  It was a cozy place with a warm atmosphere. The lights weren’t very bright and the setting was intimate. We walked past the bar and towards the back booths lined the walls. There were autographed pictures all over the walls and tons of memorabilia. My eyes scanned ov
er the baseball bats, signed jerseys and pictures of baseball stadiums. I could tell this was an old restaurant with a lot of history, most of which was sports-oriented.

  Derek shook hands with the man behind a podium. The older gentleman looked familiar but I couldn’t place him. He had a beautiful smile and pale green eyes that shined as he spoke with Derek.

  “Danika, I’d like you to meet my dad, David Spencer.”

  Holy shit. He brought me to meet his dad! What the hell?

  “Hello Mr. Spencer. It is a pleasure to meet you.” I offered my hand and he gently took it between his two hands giving it a small shake.

  “Please, call me David. Any friend of Derek’s is a friend of mine.”

  “Thank you.” I felt my cheeks turn red. He was warm, welcoming and he treated me like I really was a friend to him.

  Derek walked over to my side, placing his broad warm hand on the small of my back. Goosebumps traveled up and down my body as his thumb rubbed small circles on my spine. Oh God how was I going to survive this?

  A waiter came up then and showed us to our booth. The sides were so tall that we couldn’t see the other patrons and they couldn’t see us. It was as if we were there alone. It was so intimate, so romantic, that I felt like crying. I wasn’t sad, but my emotions were simmering at the surface and I felt so happy for the first time in a long time. I needed to diffuse the situation before I actually started to cry.

  “So, do you bring all of your dates here?” I smiled as I sipped at my ice water.

  Derek chuckled and grabbed his own glass. “I don’t really date, so that would be a no.”

  He doesn’t date? Um, then what were we doing? Okay, that diffused my crying from happiness and suddenly I felt washed over with disappointment. I had to ask. I shouldn’t, I know. But, I had to.

  “Then we aren’t on a date?”

  “Good question.”

  Ugh…not an answer Derek! I frowned. I waited, but he offered nothing else. This was getting weird. I know that romance books and movies are different from real life, but I was sure dinner between a man and woman, er, young woman, would be considered a date.